IR Information Financial Data

  • Financial Data(Consolidated)
  • Financial Indicators(Consolidated)

Financial Data(Consolidated)

Operating revenue

Sales(by Segment)

(Millions of yen)
  2020.3 2021.3 2022.3 2023.3 2024.3
Leasing 32,828 33,544 33,038 33,475 35,085
Facility management 9,146 8,661 8,162 8,512 8,228
Other buisinesses 842 703 658 696 1,026
Total 42,817 42,909 41,859 42,683 44,340

Operating profit, Ordinary profit & Profit attributable to owners of parent

Operating Income, Ordinary Income & Net Income

(Millions of yen)
  2020.3 2021.3 2022.3 2023.3 2024.3
Operating profit 11,561 12,101 11,044 9,908 10,500
Ordinary profit 10,858 11,672 10,740 10,363 10,757
Profit attributable to owners of parent 7,932 8,437 6,851 8,846 7,577

Interest-bearing Debt

Interest-bearing Debt

(Millions of yen)
  2020.3 2021.3 2022.3 2023.3 2024.3
Interest-bearing Debt 169,732 166,408 158,690 199,081 276,712

Total Assets & Net Assets

Total Assets & Shareholders’ Equity

(Millions of yen)
  2020.3 2021.3 2022.3 2023.3 2024.3
Total Assets 383,426 393,928 388,645 446,544 545,792
Net Assets 157,827 167,346 166,369 179,980 197,071

※We have applied the “Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition”(ASBJ Statement No.29)and
  relevant Guidance from the fiscal 2021.

Financial Indicators(Consolidated)

Operating profit / Margin

Operating Income / Margin

Ordinary profit / Margin

Ordinary Income / Margin

Profit attributable to owners of parent / Margin

Net Income / Margin

Net Assets / Capital adequacy ratio

Net Assets / Capital adequacy ratio

Interest-bearing Debt / Debt to Equity Ratio

Interest-bearing Debt / Debt to equity ratio

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