Operating revenue
2020.3 | 2021.3 | 2022.3 | 2023.3 | 2024.3 | |
Leasing | 32,828 | 33,544 | 33,038 | 33,475 | 35,085 |
Facility management | 9,146 | 8,661 | 8,162 | 8,512 | 8,228 |
Other buisinesses | 842 | 703 | 658 | 696 | 1,026 |
Total | 42,817 | 42,909 | 41,859 | 42,683 | 44,340 |
Operating profit, Ordinary profit & Profit attributable to owners of parent
2020.3 | 2021.3 | 2022.3 | 2023.3 | 2024.3 | |
Operating profit | 11,561 | 12,101 | 11,044 | 9,908 | 10,500 |
Ordinary profit | 10,858 | 11,672 | 10,740 | 10,363 | 10,757 |
Profit attributable to owners of parent | 7,932 | 8,437 | 6,851 | 8,846 | 7,577 |
Interest-bearing Debt
2020.3 | 2021.3 | 2022.3 | 2023.3 | 2024.3 | |
Interest-bearing Debt | 169,732 | 166,408 | 158,690 | 199,081 | 276,712 |
Total Assets & Net Assets
2020.3 | 2021.3 | 2022.3 | 2023.3 | 2024.3 | |
Total Assets | 383,426 | 393,928 | 388,645 | 446,544 | 545,792 |
Net Assets | 157,827 | 167,346 | 166,369 | 179,980 | 197,071 |
※We have applied the “Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition”(ASBJ Statement No.29)and
relevant Guidance from the fiscal 2021.
■Operating profit / Margin

■Ordinary profit / Margin

■Profit attributable to owners of parent / Margin

■Net Assets / Capital adequacy ratio

■Interest-bearing Debt / Debt to Equity Ratio