1989 October |
The first phase of the Hibiya Daibiru Building reconstruction project is completed and construction of a new building completed.Picture6 |
1992 January |
Company name changed to Daibiru Corporation. |
2000 May |
Construction of Umeda Daibiru Building in Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka, completed.Picture7 |
2004 October |
The Company became a consolidated subsidiary of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. |
2005 March |
Construction of Akihabara Daibiru Building in Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo completed. (Redevelopment project in front of Akihabara Station) Picture 8 The Company acquired Shosen Mitsui Building (Toranomon Daibiru Building) in Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo. |
2007 July |
The Company made "MOL Kosan Co., Ltd." a consolidated subsidiary. |
2009 March |
Construction of Nakanoshima Daibiru Building in Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka, completed.(3-chome Nakanoshima joint development)Picture9 |
July |
Construction of Tosabori Daibiru Building in Tosabori, Nishi-ku, Osaka, completed.Picture10 |
2010 April |
The Company acquired (trust beneficial rights of) "Aoyama Rise Square" in Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo. |
2012 January |
The Company made "Saigon Tower Co.,Ltd.(Currently Daibiru Saigon Tower Co.,Ltd.)" which owns "Saigon Tower" in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a consolidated subsidiary. (Overseas expansion for the first time) Picture11 |
2013 Febrary |
The Daibiru-Honkan Building reconstruction project in Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka, completed and construction of new building completed. Picture12 |
2014 December |
The Company made “VIBANK-NGT Co.,Ltd.(Currently Daibiru CSB Co.,Ltd.)" which owns the “CornerStone Building" in Hanoi, Vietnam, a consolidated subsidiary.Picture13 |
2015 March |
The Shin-Daibiru Building reconstruction project in Dojimahama, Kita-ku, Osaka, completed and construction of new building completed.Picture14 |
2018 September |
The company acquired the office building development project "275 George Street"
in Sydney thorough Daibiru Holdings Australia Pty Ltd ( Currently Daibiru Australia Pty Ltd ).
2019 July |
Construction of "BiTO AKIBA" in Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo completed.
(First development of a dedicated commercial building)Picture15
2019 November |
The company acquired 3 buildings including "DAIBIRU PIVOT" in Chuo-ku, Sapporo.(First investment project in core provincial cities)
2020 December |
Construction of "275 George Street" in Sydney, Australia completed.Picture16
2022 April |
Delisted from Tokyo Stock Exchange
2022 December |
The company acquired the partial equity interest (trust beneficiary rights) in Otemachi First Square
2023 March |
The company acquired the partial equity interest (trust beneficiary rights) in Otemon Tower / ENEOS Building.
2023 May |
The company participated in an office building development project in Melbourne CBD, Australia thorough Daibiru Australia Pty Ltd.
2023 June |
The Company made “MOL Kosan Co., Ltd.” and “Daibiru Facility Management, Ltd” are completed full subsidiary.
2023 July |
Invested in the Mirvac Wholesale Office Fund (MWOF), which is managed by Mirvac Limited, a leading Australian property developer.
2023 October |
The Company commemorated its 100th anniversary.
2023 December |
The company acquired a major equity interest in 63 Ly Thai To in Hanoi, Vietnam.Picture17 The Company acquired (trust beneficial rights of ) “Toranomon Daibiru-East Building” in Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
2024 January |
The Midosuji Daibiru Building reconstruction project in Minami-Kyuhojimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, completed and construction of new building completed.Picture18
2024 March |
Acquisition of a Partial Equity Interest (Trust Beneficiary Rights) in Rakuten Crimson House Aoyama in Exchange for the Transfer of a Partial Equity Interest in the Shin-Daibiru Building and the Tosabori Daibiru Building.
2024 April |
The company established a local subsidiary “Daibiru Vietnam Co., Ltd.” in Vietnam.
The company participated in Atrium Place, an office building development project in the central business district of Gurugram in the suburbs of Delhi, India.
2024 June |
The company participation in a logistics real estate (automated frozen warehouse) development project in Minato-ku, Nagoya.